February We Celebrate Black History Month
It was Negro History Week before it was Black History Month In 1926, Carter G. Woodson, the scholar often referred to as the "father of Black history," established Negro History Week to focus attention on Black contributions to civilization. According to the NAACP,
Connecticut Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.)
You never know what your day will bring. One particular day I had a Zoom call with a woman named Tigger, she wanted to share with me how her organization, Bikers Against Child Abuse, or B.A.C.A., helps children who have
If You Missed the Campaign for Grade Level Reading Workshop, Catch Up Here!
On January 18, 2023 we welcomed Ron Fairchild with the Campaign for Grade Level Reading, who is responsible for managing the GLR Support Center, which delivers technical assistance in the areas of school readiness, attendance, and summer learning to more
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month
According to the U.S. Department of State, human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, includes both forced labor and sex trafficking. It not only represents a threat to international peace and security but also undermines the rule of law,
Celebrating the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today, we honor the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by continuing his unfinished work to redeem the soul of America. Dr. King came of age in the South during a time when racial discrimination was the law of the land.
Congress Expands the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program!
Last month Congress wrapped up legislation for the year, including the passing of the Omnibus year-end spending package. Thanks to the advocacy of you and so many other stakeholders across the nation, Congress included a bipartisan five-year reauthorization and expansion
January is National Mentoring Month!
Each January, communities come together to ignite passions and help turn those wildest dreams into reality with National Mentoring Month. By harnessing our collective voice, MENTOR advocates for mentorship, legislative priorities, and raises awareness for how one conversation, one experience,
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from The Network!
We at The Network are so grateful that we have had the opportunity to grow from the Connecticut After School Network to the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth! The Connecticut Children's Collective is one of the initiatives of The
Building Bridges Parent Cabinet & Parent Ambassador Convenings
The Connecticut Children's Collective was so pleased to collaborate with the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), and Joyce Bosco who facilitated three separate convenings for the six regions in Connecticut who are actively involved in the first of its kind,
December is Human Rights Month
2022 is the 75th anniversary of the UHDR. This year’s theme is dignity, freedom, and justice for all. This theme has been chosen to remind everyone of the initial mission of the UHDR, as human rights have been under attack
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
First you’re told you have diabetes. Then you need to worry about your health and treatment costs. Today’s diabetes hits different. Different from before the COVID-19 pandemic. Different risk factors and complications. Different communities, but ultimately all of us. But
The Cook Center for Human Connection~ Full Workshop Recording
The Connecticut Children's Collective was pleased to present a workshop highlighting the work of The Cook Center for Human Connection on Wednesday November 16, 2022. We welcomed guest speakers Adele Winter, Director of Growth, who introduced us to so many FREE resources
Learn about the Cook Center for Human Connection
We all know that COVID has left many families and individuals in need of mental health supports. It was a global pandemic, and we all have been traumatized to some extent, because of it. That is why the Connecticut Children's
November is Native American Heritage Month
What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being
Choose Love Movement Workshop Recording
On October 19, 2022 the Collective welcomed Julia Richter, Director of Choose Love C.A.R.E.S (Cultivating Authentic Relationships in the Education System. She spoke about that we as educators and professionals have to be sure to fill our cups, so we
The CT Children’s Collective: Building a Strong Local-State Early Childhood System ~ 2022 Data Report
We at the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth are very excited to be releasing our first data report for our initiative the Connecticut Children's Collective. The Connecticut Children’s Collective is a network of local partnerships creating positive outcomes for
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) 2022 year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, strives to highlight how common domestic violence is and that it is more than physical violence. Join our Week of Action October 17-23, 2022 to engage advocates, partners, and the public in starting
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
https://youtu.be/MB6CmMa8qvo To Find out more visit their website at National Breast Cancer Foundation
Parent Nation Workshop Recording
On September 14, 2022 the Connecticut Children's Collective welcomed Yolie Flores, the National Campaign Manager for Parent Nation, a movement sweeping the country focused on building national support for the role of parenting. It is our moral obligation to ensure that all
The Collective’s Parent Survey Summary Report
The Connecticut Children’s Collective works hand-in-hand with our local collaborative partners to ensure that the parents and families served are receiving the resources they need so every Connecticut child grows up safe, healthy, happy, educated, connected, and employable. Our mission
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
Every year across America communities gather together to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is observed September 15 to October 15. Starting in July, Smithsonian educators receive phone calls and emails inquiring about resources that will help showcase these communities
September is Baby Safety Month
September is Baby Safety Month, sponsored annually by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). This year, JPMA is helping educate parents and caregivers on the safe selection and use of juvenile products, while encouraging those around us to become safety
September is Suicide Prevention Month
Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of an untreated mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common, should not be considered normal and often
Why Ages 2-7 Matter So Much for Brain Development
When Albert Einstein was a child, few people—if any—anticipated the remarkable contributions he would make to science. His language development was delayed, worrying his parents to the point of consulting a doctor. His sister once confessed that Einstein “had such
CT OEC Launches Pyramid Pages!
The OEC is proud to introduce their first-ever issue of Pyramid Pages, News and Tools for Parents and Early Childhood Providers! This monthly newsletter focuses on social emotional learning and development and offers tips and resources for providers and families.
Free Glasses & Eye Exams through Vision to Learn!
Vision to Learn a non-profit, provides a concrete solution, real hope – and a simple, yet powerful tool to kids in need. The tool? A pair of eyeglasses. Consider this: About one in five kids will naturally need glasses to see the
The Connecticut Network for Children & Youth is Official!
Check out this video that shows how the Connecticut After School Network has out grown its name because it is doing more around the state to help children, families, childcare providers, teachers, and staff reach their full potential, now, more
Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Month
Mental health conditions do not discriminate based on race, color, gender or identity. Anyone can experience the challenges of mental illness regardless of their background. However, background and identity can make access to mental health treatment much more difficult. Bebe Moore
Did You Hear the BIG News about The Network?
We are so excited to start July with some AMAZING news. Did you catch our Facebook Live on July 1st??? Well, it’s official. We’re growing and our NEW name is the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth (CTNCY). Connecticut After School Network, Sel4ct and Connecticut Children’s Collective are
The History & Critical Importance of Juneteenth
On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all across the country awaiting news that the Emancipation