
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Child abuse cuts across all socio-economic groups, races and religions. Most people who abuse or neglect their children are ordinary people whose stressors overwhelm their coping skills. What makes ordinary people lash out at defenseless children? Substance abuse, lack of knowledge of child development, isolation, poverty, a history of domestic violence, and many other factors contribute to the likelihood that a child will be abused.

The focus needs to be not so much on the “prevention” of child abuse, but on promotion: promotion of good parenting skills; fair, equal and competitively waged employment opportunities; safe, affordable housing; and access to adequate health care, including access to mental health services ands substance abuse treatment. This is not an exhaustive list but it gives an idea of the scope of both the problem and possible answers (

For resources and activity ideas visit Prevent Child Abuse America.

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