Childhood Conversations and Parenting Conversations RFPs are Here!!
We are so excited to be offering two days of learning and connecting this year at out Childhood Conversations Conference, which will be held on Friday May 2nd, and our Parenting Conversations Conference, which will be held on Saturday May
November’s Professional Development Opportunity: Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP)
On November 27, 2024, the Collective welcomed Grace Halpern, LCSW, ECCP Training & Professional Development Specialist to discuss the services available to providers throughout the state. If you missed this very informative workshop you can view the attached handouts as
Our Collective Wisdom Series ~Stories for Growth: Making Meaning of Emotions
On May 15th Tony B. Nelson, Project Manager of a group known as Parents Leading the Way to Social Emotional Learning, which began in Wethersfield, along with the Network's own SEL4CT Campaign Coordinator, Ashton Gauthier who has been working with
Our Collective Wisdom Series ~ The Growing Homeless Crisis
Our Collective Wisdom taps into our shared experiences, thoughts, and ideas about our work and what we have, and will achieve. In an effort to provide continuous quality improvement opportunities to our Collective community, we are pleased to provide this
The Connecticut Project Action Fund Workshop
On January 17, 2024 the Collective welcomed Coralys Santana, Policy and Advocacy Strategist, as well as Mathias Burner, Engagement and Mobilization Manager with The Connecticut Project Action Fund as our first guests in the new year! As many know, a
Our Collective Wisdom Series: Language Equity
On November 15, 2023 the Collective welcomed Maria Vasquez, Wethersfield Early Childhood Collaborative's Parent Ambassador, originally from Peru, as well as WECC Coordinator and Family Liaison for Wethersfield Public School Kimberly Bobin, as our special guests for our Collective Wisdom
Our Collective Wisdom Series!
On September 20, 2023 we began the first in our new series, Our Collective Wisdom. We have chosen this year to highlight the good-works of our local early childhood collaboratives (LECCs), through our Collective Spotlight series. With Our Collective Wisdom
Get Ready for the Campaign for Grade Level Reading Week!
We invite you to join the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading for a week-long (July 17–21) series of virtual events that will spotlight how dozens of states are working to advance early school success and accelerate equitable learning recovery. Organized and
Father Engagement Workshop Recording
On May 17, 2023 the Collective welcome Patterson "Don" Crocker from the Village for Families and Children. Don is the Supervisor of Father Engagement Services (FES) for The Village for Families & Children. He has served previously in the Human
If You Missed the Campaign for Grade Level Reading Workshop, Catch Up Here!
On January 18, 2023 we welcomed Ron Fairchild with the Campaign for Grade Level Reading, who is responsible for managing the GLR Support Center, which delivers technical assistance in the areas of school readiness, attendance, and summer learning to more