Happy Holidays and Many Wishes for a Bright New Year!
As we near the end of 2021, I think back on all that we, as a Collective, have accomplished and contributed to our local communities. It is without question that parents, families, and children's lives have improved as a result
Great Community Work by Great By 8!
We wanted to share the results of some great community work by Great By 8 in West Hartford regarding care for infant and toddlers. Please see the brochure Finding High-Quality Childcare for Infant and Toddler in English, Spanish and Portuguese as well as our recently completed video in English.
The Collective’s Winter Quarterly Meeting Recording
Many thanks to OEC Commissioner Beth Bye and her team for discussing how the Collective will contribute to their plans to Build Back Better. They are counting on the Collective to provide a local perspective to the work! And many
The National Family Support Network Presentation
On Wednesday November 17, 2021, we were so pleased to welcome Andrew Russo, Co-Founder & Director of the National Family Support Network, along with our own Lori Borysewicz, from Plymouth, and Gail Nolan from Bloomfield who represent Connecticut's Member Network. Founded
Connecticut Uses Strategic Investments to Boost Family Child Care
We were very pleased to see our state and very own Office of Early Childhood highlighted in this week's newsletter of The Baby Monitor, Zero to Three, Policy and Advocacy News (November 18, 2021), and thought others would be interested
Childcare for Connecticut’s Future Has Launched!
There is strength in numbers and with hundreds of parents, childcare professionals, legislators, local leaders, and advocates attending the launch of Childcare for Connecticut's Future on November 3, 2021, we now know the power of the people involved in the
National Native American Heritage Month
"What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being
Learn How LENA is Giving Children Words
Back in the day children were meant to be seen but never heard, and they were instructed to never speak unless spoken to. Wow, have times changed! It's fairly common knowledge among professionals in the early childhood field how rapidly
Connecting to Care CT!
On October 20, 2021 the Collective welcomed Jules Calabro, LCSW the Network of Care Manager for Western Connecticut from Beacon Hills Options. During the workshop Jules talked about Connecticut’s work to transform the children’s behavioral health system within our state.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October was first declared as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1989. Since then, October has been a time to acknowledge domestic violence survivors and be a voice for its victims. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community, and affects
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month is a campaign in the United States founded in 2006 by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying
Leading Together: Parent Partnership with a Policy Purpose
On September 29, 2021 the Collective was very pleased to welcome Vito Borello, Executive Director of the National Association for Family, School, and Community, along with his colleagues Reyna Hernandez, Senior Director of Research and Policy and Bianca Scott, NAFSCE
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Facts About Breast Cancer In The United States In 2021, an estimated 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the U.S. as well as 49,290 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. 63%
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month takes place September 15 to October 15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community. Beginning in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed
Make Way for Books!!
Make Way for Books is an app that has hundreds of books and family-friendly early literacy activities for FREE! The Make Way for Books App is a two-generation, early literacy, and early education resource. All of the educational content on the
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Across the country, more than 8 million students are missing so many days of school that they are academically at risk. Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences
September is Suicide Prevention Month
Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of an untreated mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common, should not be considered normal and often
Capital Workforce Partnership
On Wednesday August 25, 2021 the Collective welcomed Jim Boucher, Chief Strategy Officer for Capital Workforce Partners, to discuss how our local collaboratives can connect on a local level with the business sector by learning about all of the programs
CT After School Network: Call For Presenters
Call for Presenters! The Network is asking for presenters for our 2021 Fall Conference in November. If you are interested or know someone who is, we'd love to talk to you. Please click here for more information and to apply. https://ctafterschoolnetwork.org/call-for-presenters
As We Begin a New School Year
We have seen, on a regular sustained basis, the very best that our country has to offer, which is loving families and children; and the very worst, a systems that has been designed to help some flourish, and others fail.
NAEYC’s Survey Findings: Childcare at a Crossroads
NAEYC’s newest survey, completed by more than 7,500 respondents between June 17 and July 5, 2021, working across all states and settings, shows that child care still struggles to survive. We know that the COVID pandemic has reinforced the essential
Funding Opportunity: Children’s Healthy Learning Environments
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Children's Health Protection is accepting grant applications to provide funding to support school- and/or child care center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health
Save the Date for the CT After School Network 2021 Conference!
We've Got a Save the Date! CT After School Network 2021 Conference November 5th & 6th. Early Bird Registration is now open! You can save $20 per person by registering early. Register by visiting our website. More info coming!
The Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio
Here is a wonderful example of how another state is working toward raising parent and family voice. We hope you read through their efforts and gain insights and ideas as it can inform the work we are doing here in
School Reopening: Lessons Learned
In the recently published article found in the Center for American Progress, Remote Learning and School Reopenings: What Worked and What Didn’t, Megan Ferren writes, "When schools closed their doors in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was
Connecticut Leading the Way with Baby Bonds
Could providing $11,000 to every child born into poverty close the state’s wealth gap, one of the worst in the nation? Legislation headed for the governor’s desk will provide every child born into poverty a fighting chance to attend college, buy
Free Summer Fun at Connecticut Museums
Governor Ned Lamont today announced the launch of Connecticut Summer at the Museum – a new state program created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that allows Connecticut children to receive free admission at more than 90 museums across Connecticut during
Thoughts on Emotional Well-Being During the Summer Months
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we all have been checking ourselves to make sure that we are tending to our emotional well-being; practicing self-care and cutting ourselves a break with our usual expectations and goals. It makes sense
The OEC’s Parent Cabinet Information Session & Keeping it Real
If you missed the OEC's Parent Cabinet Information Session on June 11, 2021 you can find the recording here. In the recording you will hear from parents and community leaders who have been working on this project since the beginning. You
June is Pride Month!
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in