The OEC Parent Cabinet is Looking for Parents & Caregivers to Join!
The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) is looking for parents and caregivers to become a part of their new OEC Parent Cabinet! The OEC is a state agency that oversees programs and services that help young children and families thrive.
Funding Announcement from the CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative
Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative A project of: CT Council for Philanthropy Announces an opportunity for funding through the Strengthening Local Early Childhood Collaboration Organizational capacity & project support to strengthen local birth to age 5 systems The CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative (CT ECFC), a
Find Recording Here from Childhood Conversations Together We Will Virtual Conference 2021
On April 16 & 17, 2021 the Connecticut Children's Collective was pleased to be an integral part of this years CCTWW Conference. On Saturday the panelist and workshop presenters were completely comprised of our local partners and parents! It demonstrated
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Announces Enfield KITE as a Bright Spot Community During COVID-19 Pandemic
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading recently announced that it’s naming Enfield KITE as a 2021 Bright Spot community for its responses to the COVID crisis last year! Congratulations!! The CGLR is highlighting communities that developed exemplary or innovative responses to
Teacher Appreciation Week!
This week May 3-7, is Teacher Appreciation Week culminating on Friday when Childcare Provider Appreciation Day is celebrated. We must give a HUGE shout-out to all of the devoted men and women around the country and great state of Connecticut
Sparkler App Information Session
The Connecticut Children's Collective welcomed Abby Alter and Julia Levy from the Sparkler App, along with Kareena Duplessis and Amanda Heath from 211 Child Development to discuss what using the Sparkler App as a Collective would look like. If you missed,
$11 Million State Expansion to Summer Enrichment Programs
We are so grateful to Governor Lamont and his team for awarding $11 million to fund expansion of summer enrichment programs across the state as was announced on April 21, 2021. We are also proud that our own Michelle Doucette
Celebrating Earth Day
"Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking
Celebrating the Week of the Young Child’s 50th Anniversary with a Video
The Connecticut Children's Collective is comprised of local partners from across the state who are proud to be serving the children and families in their communities to ensure they have the services and resources they need to grow and thrive.
Childhood Conversations Together We Will Conference
The Childhood Conversations & Together We Will Annual Conference is fast approaching! The virtual conference will be Friday April 16, 2021 from 9-2:30 and Saturday April 17, 2021 from 9-2:30. Friday Moderator: Commissioner Beth Bye, CT Office of Early Childhood Friday Panelists: Gil Noam, Ed.D,
Childcare & Youth Camp Providers: Workshop & Updates Provided by CT OEC
The Office of Early Childhood will host a webinar Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 2 pm. with officials from the Department of Public Health to discuss the need to continue following COVID-19 health and safety guidelines in child care settings.
A Huge Collective Shout Out!!!
A huge shout out and thank you to several of our local partners who helped the CT Office of Early Childhood distribute nearly 87,000 masks to early childhood professionals from around the state! It was a united effort that was
Welcome to our Newest Collective Member!
AMH Youth & Family Services, led by Executive Director Tressa Giordano, joined the Collective in February 2021 and jumped in with both feet! We were pleased when they agreed to help, along with several other Collective communities, to distribute 87,000
Developing Equity-Focused, Data Driven Policies
“Knowing your race, I should not be able to predict how long you will live. From a data perspective we will have achieved racial equity when there are no statistically significant differences by race. As we know, we’re far from
We Are Our Brothers’ Keepers
President Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper in February 2014 to address persistent opportunity gaps facing boys and young men of color and to ensure all youth can reach their full potential. In 2015 the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK Alliance)
Child Care in 25 States: What We Know and Don’t Know
Back in October of 2020 the Bipartisan Policy Center published a report, which is bound to have a profound impact on the early childhood field and child care: Child Care in 25 States: What We Know and Don't Know: Quantifying the
Essential Equity: Women, COVID-19, and Rebuilding Connecticut
Covid-19 has revealed the inequities and injustices that perpetuate the systems in Connecticut. The CT Data Collaborative has compiled a very informative report that explores the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on women and girls (particularly, women and girls of color),
Exploring Systems Change Frameworks
Many thanks to Michelle Doucette Cunningham for leading participants in a very insightful and useful workshop that explored different system change frameworks and how they relate to the work being done by the Connecticut Children's Collective and other state institutions
Social-Emotional Strategies & Implementation Guidance
The COVID-19 pandemic has swiftly and substantially affected the social and emotional health of children, especially those experiencing multiple hardships. As the pandemic has spread across the United States, many children are experiencing widespread disruptions in daily life. Young children
COVID-19 Vaccinations in Connecticut
Connecticut has prepared for the authorization and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and is currently in Phase 1a. Their goal is for all residents of Connecticut to have access to the vaccination, although this will likely not occur until late Spring or early Summer 2021. Connecticut is currently working with a broad
COVID Straight Talk
What is COVID Straight Talk COVID Straight Talk is a public health campaign raising awareness that COVID-19 is airborne and encouraging people to adopt harm reduction measures to keep themselves and their communities safe. The website is a set of bilingual
Storytime with Mrs. Claus
Winter is a time for children to enjoy their favorite holiday traditions – playing in the snow, celebrating around the table, sharing stories with loved ones. This holiday season join the American Red Cross as we travel to a winter
Celebrate Babies!
This video is a wonderful reminder of why it is we, as a Collective, do what we do. We know that by ensuring that a baby has their needs met, and are given all the love, equitable opportunities, and support
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month, or as it is commonly referred to, American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. Native American Heritage Month has evolved from its beginnings as a week-long celebration in 1986, when President Reagan proclaimed the week
No Small Matter Documentary Discussion
No Small Matter We are excited to be joining with the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance, Middlesex Coalition for Children, Connecticut Association for Human Services, and CSEA/SEIU to provide you with an opportunity to view the documentary No Small Matter and discuss
Learn More About Radical Family Engagement
ACF’s Office of Early Childhood Development (ECD) is hosting a series of conversations with key cross-sector partners throughout October and targeted engagements during the week of October 26th, 2020 to bring new insights for how RADICAL family engagement could change
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month is a campaign in the United States founded in 2006 by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held during the month of October and unites communities nationwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Traditionally held the first
My Reflection Matters~ Three Part Workshop Focused on Race & Equity
The Connecticut Children's Collective is excited to offer a three-part workshop series focused on Race & Equity. We are grateful to be working with Chemay Morales-James, founder of My Reflection Matters, LLC to offer you and your staff these valuable learning opportunities. Registration is required. Wednesday September 30, 2020 10:00-11:30am: Culturally
The Build Stronger Child Care Policy Roadmap
A very important paper was released earlier this month by the Alliance for Early Success, that because of the pandemic, has even more impact now, as we witness first hand the crucial need and importance for access to to an
Moving in the Right Direction
This month the National Academy of Sciences released a report that has been thirty years in the making. It answered the question, does quality early childhood education lead to more successful lives as adults? The answer was a resounding yes!