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National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Prevention services and supports developed by this collaboration can help parents, other caregivers, and communities protect children and strengthen families. During

The Connecticut Children's Collective partners with local early childhood collaboratives (LECCs) from across the state that are doing amazing, innovative, system-changing work. In 2023 we started a new series: The Collective Spotlight. We have talked with directors, staff, parents, and

Our Collective Wisdom taps into our shared experiences, thoughts, and ideas about our work and what we have, and will achieve. In an effort to provide continuous quality improvement opportunities to our Collective community, we are pleased to provide this

"On December 8, 2023, the  final report was submitted to the Governor’s office. Read the report now. The culmination of over a year of work, the Report incorporates extensive feedback from Blue Ribbon workgroups, national and local experts, Panel members, and

On November 15, 2023 the Collective welcomed Maria Vasquez, Wethersfield Early Childhood Collaborative's Parent Ambassador, originally from Peru, as well as WECC Coordinator and Family Liaison for Wethersfield Public School Kimberly Bobin, as our special guests for our Collective Wisdom

On October 18, 2023 the Collective was pleased to welcome Heidi Maderia, Executive Director of the Connecticut Association on Infant and Mental Health. Participants learned of all the resources that CT-AIMH can offer to  professionals working in the field who

On September 20, 2023 we began the first in our new series, Our Collective Wisdom. We have chosen this year to highlight the good-works of our local early childhood collaboratives (LECCs), through our Collective Spotlight series. With Our Collective Wisdom