
On October 19, 2022 the Collective welcomed Julia Richter, Director of Choose Love C.A.R.E.S (Cultivating Authentic Relationships in the Education System. She spoke about that we as educators and professionals have to be sure to fill our cups, so we

On September 14, 2022 the Connecticut Children's Collective welcomed Yolie Flores, the National Campaign Manager for Parent Nation, a movement sweeping the country focused on building national support for the role of parenting. It is our moral obligation to ensure that all

Making Scripted Stories for Home and School Scripted stories can be a valuable visual tool in the classroom and at home! Scripted stories can help a child understand what to expect during new situations or everyday routines and provide examples of

Million Women Mentors-CT Invites you to a join a virtual discussion: Learn why science education is so important for all young children and what initiatives are happening in CT to improve science education Nurturing the Little Scientist in all Young Children STEM for

On April 20, 2022 the Collective welcomed CPAC's Co-Executive Director, Jane Hampton-Smith,  to lead an interactive workshop on the services that CPAC can provide to the families, and what services families may need in the aftermath of COVID-19. Connecticut Parent Advocacy

Join us on April 2, 2022 for our Virtual and FREE One-Day Conference!! It is our hope that our conference will allow you to explore deeper content, make cross-sector connections, and gain perspectives on how to maximize connections within your community.

Previously known as the 21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge, the Stand Against Racism Challenge: A Virtual Community of Growth is the same program developed by YWCA and adapted nationwide. The SAR Challenge goes live Monday, April 4th, and

In honor of Black History Month, we’re sharing StoryCorps stories that center Black voices in conversations about Black history, identity, struggles, and joy. This collection also includes behind-the-scenes information about some of the stories. Through these broadcasts and animations, you