NAEYC’s Survey Findings: Childcare at a Crossroads
NAEYC’s newest survey, completed by more than 7,500 respondents between June 17 and July 5, 2021, working across all states and settings, shows that child care still struggles to survive. We know that the COVID pandemic has reinforced the essential
The Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio
Here is a wonderful example of how another state is working toward raising parent and family voice. We hope you read through their efforts and gain insights and ideas as it can inform the work we are doing here in
School Reopening: Lessons Learned
In the recently published article found in the Center for American Progress, Remote Learning and School Reopenings: What Worked and What Didn’t, Megan Ferren writes, "When schools closed their doors in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was
Connecticut Leading the Way with Baby Bonds
Could providing $11,000 to every child born into poverty close the state’s wealth gap, one of the worst in the nation? Legislation headed for the governor’s desk will provide every child born into poverty a fighting chance to attend college, buy
Free Summer Fun at Connecticut Museums
Governor Ned Lamont today announced the launch of Connecticut Summer at the Museum – a new state program created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that allows Connecticut children to receive free admission at more than 90 museums across Connecticut during
The OEC’s Parent Cabinet Information Session & Keeping it Real
If you missed the OEC's Parent Cabinet Information Session on June 11, 2021 you can find the recording here. In the recording you will hear from parents and community leaders who have been working on this project since the beginning. You
June is Pride Month!
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in
The OEC Parent Cabinet is Looking for Parents & Caregivers to Join!
The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) is looking for parents and caregivers to become a part of their new OEC Parent Cabinet! The OEC is a state agency that oversees programs and services that help young children and families thrive.
Funding Announcement from the CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative
Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative A project of: CT Council for Philanthropy Announces an opportunity for funding through the Strengthening Local Early Childhood Collaboration Organizational capacity & project support to strengthen local birth to age 5 systems The CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative (CT ECFC), a
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Announces Enfield KITE as a Bright Spot Community During COVID-19 Pandemic
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading recently announced that it’s naming Enfield KITE as a 2021 Bright Spot community for its responses to the COVID crisis last year! Congratulations!! The CGLR is highlighting communities that developed exemplary or innovative responses to