Capital Workforce Partnership
On Wednesday August 25, 2021 the Collective welcomed Jim Boucher, Chief Strategy Officer for Capital Workforce Partners, to discuss how our local collaboratives can connect on a local level with the business sector by learning about all of the programs
CT After School Network: Call For Presenters
Call for Presenters! The Network is asking for presenters for our 2021 Fall Conference in November. If you are interested or know someone who is, we'd love to talk to you. Please click here for more information and to apply.
Find Recording Here from Childhood Conversations Together We Will Virtual Conference 2021
On April 16 & 17, 2021 the Connecticut Children's Collective was pleased to be an integral part of this years CCTWW Conference. On Saturday the panelist and workshop presenters were completely comprised of our local partners and parents! It demonstrated
Sparkler App Information Session
The Connecticut Children's Collective welcomed Abby Alter and Julia Levy from the Sparkler App, along with Kareena Duplessis and Amanda Heath from 211 Child Development to discuss what using the Sparkler App as a Collective would look like. If you missed,
Childhood Conversations Together We Will Conference
The Childhood Conversations & Together We Will Annual Conference is fast approaching! The virtual conference will be Friday April 16, 2021 from 9-2:30 and Saturday April 17, 2021 from 9-2:30. Friday Moderator: Commissioner Beth Bye, CT Office of Early Childhood Friday Panelists: Gil Noam, Ed.D,
Exploring Systems Change Frameworks
Many thanks to Michelle Doucette Cunningham for leading participants in a very insightful and useful workshop that explored different system change frameworks and how they relate to the work being done by the Connecticut Children's Collective and other state institutions
Westbrook Early Childhood Forum
By Barbara Vita — On Thursday November 7, 2019 I was asked to present at the Westbrook Early Childhood Forum held at Daisy Ingraham School in Westbrook. The forum was shaped through the hard work and diligent efforts of Alyssa Lindquist,
A Day of Everyday Heroes
On Saturday November 2, 2019 the Connecticut After School Network held its Annual After School Fall Conference. The theme this year was Everyday Heroes: Empower, Engage, Enrich. The day started with Deputy Director Cheryl Sharp of the Connecticut Commission on Human