February is Black History Month: Invisible Changemakers of Industry
As a citizen workforce, African Americans continue to chart new paths toward economic stability, personal growth, and racial uplift. From enslaved workers in the 19th century to agricultural, industrial, and professional workers in the 20th and 21st centuries, Black men
Celebrating Black History Month
Who Started Black History Month? During the dawning of the twentieth century, it was widely presumed that people of African descent had little history besides the subjugation of slavery. Credit for the evolving awareness of the true place of Blacks in
February We Celebrate Black History Month
It was Negro History Week before it was Black History Month In 1926, Carter G. Woodson, the scholar often referred to as the "father of Black history," established Negro History Week to focus attention on Black contributions to civilization. According to the NAACP,
Stories to Celebrate Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, we’re sharing StoryCorps stories that center Black voices in conversations about Black history, identity, struggles, and joy. This collection also includes behind-the-scenes information about some of the stories. Through these broadcasts and animations, you
The Story Behind Black History Month
"With the rise of the civil rights and Black Power movements in the 1960s, young African Americans on college campuses were becoming increasingly conscious of the historic dimension of their experience. Younger members of the ASNLH (which later became the Association for the
We Are Our Brothers’ Keepers
President Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper in February 2014 to address persistent opportunity gaps facing boys and young men of color and to ensure all youth can reach their full potential. In 2015 the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK Alliance)