Happy New Year!
On Thursday January 9, 2020 we jumped into 2020 by hosting our 3rd professional development Webinar! Our own Michelle Doucette Cunningham, Executive Director of the Connecticut After School Network facilitated a very helpful and informative interactive learning session about grant writing.
An email was sent out with resources from the webinar, and below is the link to view the webinar in its entirety. If you are interested in a more specific webinar about grant writing, focusing on the nitty-gritty of it— like budgeting or creating SMART Goals— please let us know and we will schedule a professional development opportunity!
Our next PD will be held on February 12, 2020. The topic will be, “Sharpen Your Marketing Skills.” Watch your inbox for details! Also, we encourage you to think about other PD topics that would be of interest or helpful to you. Our work is directed by your needs, so please never hesitate to send suggestions or ideas—we welcome them! Additionally, if you are interested in hosting regional PD opportunities or facilitating a webinar on a topic that you are passionate about and well-versed in, we strongly encourage you to contact us so we can offer your expertise to the larger Collective. YOU are the Collective and we value your skills and knowledge, so share them!!
Please send ideas to Barbara Vita at bvita@ctafterschoolnetwork.org.
Click here to register to watch the recording of the webinar.