
US Census 2020: A Visit to New Haven’s Early Childhood Council

On December 4, 2019 along with Director Dr. Michelle Baker, a group of devoted and caring folks gathered for the NHECC’s monthly council meeting, representing many different facets of services provided to children and families. Two representatives from the United States Census 2020, were invited to speak to the group. It was a very interesting presentation.

Historically, residents from the most heavily populated areas, like cities, don’t fully participate in the Census — many have a distrust of the government. Sadly, these citizens don’t know that by participating in the Census they will increase the amount of funding the government provides to these communities — funding that impacts education, healthcare, housing, and job development.

Census takers are looking for community partners to help get this message across.
If you are interested, visit the US Census site for more information about becoming a 2020 Census partner.

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